Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pile it on!!

Recently we have been so busy! There has been very little time to "catch up" on much of anything including sleep and house work. I have often looked at this as something negative, but when I really sit back and think about it, priorities are the key to being busy and being happy at the same time. The way I like to think I have my priorities set up is...

Service to others

When I get it right, then we are usually a happier, more productive, and more loving family. The truth is, that for the most part I can always make time for the things that I have put on the top of my list. If excercise is important to me, then I do it. If bible study is important then I make time for that. So, where does watching Bonnie Hunt come on my list of my priority goals??? Pretty low, but where does it actually land on a day when I've got things turned around...probably too high.

If I consider it a blessing to be able to serve my God, my family, and my friends then my attitude is in check also. I have so often looked at these blessings as the cause of my stress. Really the cause of my stress is me and the way I choose to see things.

So, if things are feeling stressful I have to remember to check my priorities first, and check my attitude second. Remember the laundry will still be there tomorrow, but my time to teach Nolan is limited. Here's to keep'n it straight!